British Furniture Manufacturers


2021 Quarter 3- by sector, value and country - Imports - EU

17 November 2021

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2021 Quarter 3- by sector, value and country - Imports - EU

2021 Quarter 3- by sector, value and country - Imports - Non-EU

17 November 2021

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2021 Quarter 3- by sector, value and country - Imports - Non-EU

International Trade by sector - third quarter 2021

17 November 2021

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International Trade by sector - third quarter 2021

BFM Furniture Wages Survey Questionnaire 2021

11 November 2021

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BFM Furniture Wages Survey Questionnaire 2021

hMRC Webinars

4 November 2021

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hMRC Webinars

Furniture Trade Survey - October 2021 - includes annual financial ratios survey

3 November 2021

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Furniture Trade Survey - October 2021 - includes annual financial ratios survey

Furniture Trade Survey - October 2021 - Sector results

3 November 2021

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Furniture Trade Survey - October 2021 - Sector results

Manufacturing Stakeholder Group Campaign Update

3 November 2021

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Manufacturing Stakeholder Group Campaign Update

BFM summary - Revision of BS 6396

28 October 2021

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BFM – working with the British Standards Institute (BSI) - Revision of BS 6396 ‘Electrical systems in office and educational furniture’

BS 6396:2021 Electrical systems in furniture

28 October 2021

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BS 6396:2021 - DRAFT for public Consultation - Electrical systems in furniture – Specification