British Furniture Manufacturers


OPSS Report on developments of review of FFRS - January 2021

7 April 2021

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Report on developments of review of FFR

Standards and Regulations Update March 2021

7 April 2021

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Standards Update March 2021

2020 Wages and Conditions Agreement - signed by the parties

6 April 2021

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2020 Wages and Conditions Agreement - signed by the parties

Associate member logo

6 April 2021

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Associate member logo

BFM Association Code of Practice

6 April 2021

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The Approved member logo adds value and is a sign that you are a British Furniture Manufacturer and an Approved member of the BFM Trade Association. The logo can be used on your website, letterheads, marketing and promotional materials, social media, vehicles, exhibition stands etc.

Easy-read summary of 2020 Agreement

6 April 2021

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Easy-read summary of 2020 Agreement

Full text of latest National Labour Agreement

6 April 2021

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Full text of latest National Labour Agreement

Furniture Manufactuers Membership Logo

6 April 2021

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Furniture Manufactuers Membership Logo

Response to GMB approach to begin negotiations for 2021

6 April 2021

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Response to GMB approach to begin negotiations for 2021

COVID 19 - State of industry after first lockdown

2 April 2021

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COVID 19 - State of industry after first lockdown - July 2020